99 years of history - what a milestone. Very few companies can match the longevity of @Telefonica, our beloved partner.

19 Apr 2023, 09:48
99 years of history - what a milestone! Very few companies can match the longevity of @Telefonica, our beloved partner 馃挋馃挏 Let's continue making history together! 馃殌 Happy Birthday to you from Gamium 馃帀 #99a帽osTelef贸nica 隆En Telef贸nica hoy cumplimos 99 a帽os! Gracias por confiar en nosotros y ser parte de nuestra historia. 隆Que sigamos avanzando juntos hacia un futuro cada vez m谩s conectado y tecnol贸gico! #99a帽osTelef贸nica 馃帀